Sunday, February 17, 2008

Running Man

Meghan's dance classes are gearing up for their push to be recitial ready by June 7TH. All three dance classes have finished putting the routinue together but will spend the rest of the time cleaning up the routinue. All the routinues are very cute. However, her hip hop class has added "running man" to their number. It is absolutley the funniest thing to see these girls, age 6-9 trying to learn how to do it. The funniest thing is listening to the moms like me who grew up with this admitting we cannot help our daughters learn the move. Thanks to my 9 years of cheerleading, I am able to help her learn a lot of the things from hip hop/jazz class, but I never did master running man myself. I was able to help her do the pinwheel, but not this. Since I was the only one that showed up for the adult dance class on Thursday night the young lady leading the class helped Meghan with running man which was awesome.

At her dance class this past week she received her dance costumes for the recitial. They tried them one and went through their routinues in them. The cutest was the tap costume. I cannot locate a web site that has a picture of the tap costume; however, if you go to, you can see a picture of the ballet and hip hop costumes. When you go to the website, enter as visitor/student and view ballet under the kids heading and locate the Sophia tutu. This is Alan's favorite of the ballet costumes. To find the hip hop costume, you will follow the same process except choose hip hop instead of ballet anf the name of the costume is Power Pop. These are all cute but the tap is my favorite.

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