Well faithful readers, I have a dilemma that I need help resolving. Alan and I eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel often and I have become hooked on their grits. This question would not normally even be an issue since I really do not like grits in most cases. In the instance that I mistakenly get them, I usually must add a lot of butter or syrup to make them palpable enough to choke down. For some reason Cracker Barrel's grits are different. So the question arises as to what the proper utensil would be to eat them. I never realized this was an issue until one morning, Alan and I both ordered grits. All of a sudden, I noticed that he was eating them with a spoon, and I was eating them with a fork. So reader I pose this important question of etiquette to you: WHAT IS THE PROPER UTENSIL FOR EATING GRITS?
For my readers that are more "Northern" in exposure, I realize that you might not really understand what Grits are so check out the link to find out. After you read please feel free to leave your opinion. Remember for those of us lacking truly "Southern" blood we will probably be wrong anyway.
While I may have grown up in the South, I am apparently lacking education in the proper etiquette for "Southern" things. No, I am not foolish enough to believe that when you invite me over that you really mean it ( I realize this is truly a "Southern" euphemism for have a nice day.) Now keep in mind I am Southern only by virtue of the place I was born and raised, and the blame for my lack of "Southern" education can be placed solely on the shoulders of my "DAMN YANKEE" parents. For those of unaware of the family tree make up, I have relatives that were named after General Sherman (not cool in Atlanta). Please do not let that out in the Atlanta area - they might revoke my high school diploma because I was educated that it was not the Civil War, but the war of NORTHERN AGGRESSION and Sherman was not the hero.
My opinion? Use the fork for the majority of eating grits and then use the spoon to scoop out the last of the grits. Either way enjoy them.
All true grits fans know to use a spoon to get every last grit - yum yum!
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