Meghan had her first performance on violin at the King Center. While she has performed her dance recitals at the the King Center, this was a first for playing her violin and there was enough light for her to see the audience from the stage. She claims that she cannot see the audience at all when they are onstage with the dance recital which is possible with the light off in the seating area and the stage lights shining on the stage. Her group performed very well indeed. Very impressive for a group of elementary and middle school students. The Brevard Symphony Youth Orchestra (BSYO) has three level of groups. Meghan is in the strings ensemble. The next group up is Concert Orchestra which seems to made up of mostly junior high and high school and the group after that is Symphony Orchestra consist of all high school age students.
For those of you unfamiliar with the King Center it is where josh Groban, Donna Summer, Liza Manelli, Willie Nelson, Cyndi Lauper, Tony Bennett and many others have performed here in the Melbourne area. It is quite an honor and impressive to the kids to get to perform at this location.
I must say that it was enjoyable way to spend Mothers Day. I watched my daughter perform on a large stage for an audience that probably number in the hundreds for the first time with her violin. She appeared very poised and come when she came on stage - no small feat for an nine year old regardless of having danced on this same stage the previous 2 years with her dance classes. This is one of those moments that you do not wish to forget.
For dinner, we all went out to eat Olive Garden which was a disappointment for Meghan. She thought for sure we would choose her favorite and go to Red Lobster; however, we will be going there for Meghan's dance recital dinner with Mamoo, Papoo, Mawmaw and Pawpaw so we decide to go somewhere different.
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!!!!! I hope you spent it in an enjoyable way with quality time spent with your kids or phone calls from your kids.
Happy late Mother's day!!
fyi - clearblogs died or something. I've decided to set it up else where.
Geeks Like Us
Sorry about that.
Sorry about Clear Blogs. I will update the link by the end of the week.
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