Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yes I Am Slacking :)

Yes I have been rather negligent in leaving any post. I have found myself falling into an old habit of reading too many books at once and found myself with the problem of preferring to read to "surfing the net". In addition to the distraction of reading multiple books at one time, Alan and I have been working on cleaning out the garage. When we moved 6 years ago the situation was so disastrous that we are still opening boxes from the movers packed for us. Many things we were forced to replace from necessity but there were many things that did not get packed were they should have so there are many things that we are still looking for that simply cannot be replaced. Every few months we go through some boxes in the garage and hope to find those missing treasure. Today we found several treasures in the way of pictures some of these I will post here. The first one is a team photo from 1985 and might bring back some memories for some.

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