Sunday, March 22, 2009

Much Needed Time Away

Yesterday we went to west coast of Florida to see some family on my Dad's side. It was in celebration of the 50th birthday of a cousin. For those of you not familiar with how whacked the generations are in my family, I am the same generation as the cousin turning 50. The only cousins I have close in age to me are my dad's brothers kids, but due to distance, I have never met them. I would love to get to know them but alas it does not seem possible. Anyhow, this picture contains 4 generations.:) Wow!!! For those of you looking for me, do not waste your time - someone had to take the picture The party was held in beautiful Phillippe Park. Which turned out to have significance for Meghan as they recently studied in Florida History about different Indians and there was an Indian ceremonial mound there the she could see. I will try to post other photos as time allows. Meghan took pictures also, so maybe I will find time to get her on her blog to post some pictures.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Have Things Changed for You....

I thought this would be fun for all. Put your answers in the comments and have fun !!! You probably don't want to be too specific - I am not.
****15 YEARS AGO (1994)****

1) How old were you? 21
2) Who were you dating? Alan
3) Where did you work? A store
4) Where did you live? Georgia
5) Where did you hang out? work and school with the occassional movie thrown in
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? glasses - (changed to contacts in 1995)
7) Who were your best friends? Alan, Angie and Sandra
8) How many tattoos did you have? 0
9) How many piercings did you have? 2 (1 for each ear - how prudish)
10) What kind of car did you drive? 1982 Chevy Camaro
11) Had you been to a real party? yes
12) Had you had your heart broken? yes
13) Were you Single/taken/Married/Divorced? taken
14) Any Kids? 0

****** 10 years ago 1999********
15) How old were you? 26
16) Who were you dating? no one I was married
17) Where did you work? same place a different location
18) Where did you live? Ga.
19) Where did you hang out? home - I had a newborn that was almost 2 months old
20) Who were your best friends? Alan, Angie and Sandra (although I did not see much if them) and Debbie
21) How many tattoos did you have? 0
22) How many piercings did you have? 2 - 1 for each ear
23) Had your heart broken? yes
24) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? married
25) Any Kids? 1 - a newborn girl
26) What kind of car did you have? 1989 Olds Cutlass Supreme (one of my favorite cars)

****TODAY (2009)****
27) Age? 36 - at least for a few more months
28) Where do you work? same place - for those counting it will be 20 years in June
29) Where do you live? Florida
30) Who are your closest friends? Alan, Patty, Tracy, Sandra and Sabrina (who knows more secrets about me than my husband and can tell you how many times I was grounded as a kid including the day she 1st tried to meet me)
31) Do you talk to your old friends? I try but only through email mostly
32) How many piercings do you have? 2 - still only one in each ear
33) How many tattoos? 0
34) What kind of car do you have? Black Chevy Tahoe
35) Had your heart been broken? yes
36) How many kids? 1 - a girl
37) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Very happily married

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Time Change

Of course today was the day to "Spring Ahead" an hour. I do not know about anyone else, but I really did not feel much like "springing" anywhere much less an hour ahead. To make things all that much better, I had to be at work at 7am. :(

As we went to bed last night, I made sure that I had everything set correctly. I even plugged in my regular alarm clock in that off chance that the cable boxes and cell phones failed to do the job of moving themselves forward. The precautions were in place. Apparently our phones took offense to this and at 2 am this morning, rang with the alert that they were moving forward an hour. Now this is really messed up since I am already losing an hour of sleep that I desperately need and the phone wakes me up at 2 am to tell me it is moving the time forward an hour. To add insult to injury, I have to press OK to accept this or an annoying little light flashes on the phone. Just one more piece in the plan to rob me of hour or more of sleep. (I do not sleep well when light sneaks in - it must be pitch black for me to really sleep)

Now with that off my mind, I am going to go find that missing hour of sleep. I hope I find it before the fall when we turn the clocks back.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What Graciousness and Courage

For little over a week, our family has been dealing with having to say goodbye to a very dear member of the family - Jo Anne. It is a time of great sadness as we see and hear of friends and family filing in to spend time with her during her final days. We have made the trip two times over the past week. As we made each of those drives, I regretted the fact that life tends to keep us so busy that we did not go to see her more frequently.

As we visit with her, I am astonished at how gracious she is to each and every one of her visitors. You can tell she is tired but she still makes the effort to talk and comfort her guest. While we were with her, she reminisced about the time we stayed with her during Hurricane Frances in 2004. What wonderful memories we share of that stressful time. Meghan played Jesu, Mans Desiring for her. She seemed to enjoy her impromptu concert; however, she has inspired Meghan and her playing of the violin in a way that no one else has in a very long time. We hope that Meghan has given her a gift through her music, but Meghan's Great Aunt Jo gave Meghan a wonderful gift by allowing her to play for her and seeing the joy that she is capable of giving with her music.

In spite of the stress her situation creates not just for her but everyone else as they deal with her illness and her imminent passing, it strikes you as to what an incredible gift she has been given to have these final moments with her family and friends. The gifts that she has given over these past few weeks will live on well past her and bring comfort and joy to people for years to come. Isn't that really what we all hope for in the long run - to leave some part of ourselves with those we will leave behind so that we will be remembered; and thereby continue to live one in the hearts of others even after we are gone...

Please click on Dianne's album and see pictures of this courageous woman. She is truly incredible and such a beautiful example of grace.