Wednesday, April 16, 2008


As most of you with kids have already learned, the greatest fade going for many kids right now are Webkinz. The stuff animals are adorable and you get to interact with the your toy online. Well, Meghan has been completely bitten by the bug. If you are a family member that has yet to receive one of these delightful creatures as a gift, do not worry your time is probably coming. I wish I could say that Meghan is the only member of the family to be bitten by the bug, but alas that would not be completely true. Alan and I stayed up one night playing games under Meghan's user id until 2:30 am. Yes folks that is until 2:30 in the morning after both if us having been up early that particular day. I am "addicted" to Booger Gets an A, Quizzy's Word Challenge and Quizzy's Corner which chalk full trivia type questions.

Meghan is currently around 23 of these animals although she has only registered three so far online. One of the current additions is the Panda which will be May Pet of the Month. When you register a pet the month that it is Pet of the Month, you receive all kinds of extra stuff. The Panda was put up as incentive for her to remember to smile all through the dance class. The deal was after she earned him should she fail to smile through most of the dance classes then mommy would adopt the Panda ( Meghan named her Garnet) for the week between dance classes. So each week, Garnet goes to dance class and sits on my lap hoping that her "mommy" smiles while she dances. Tonight's classes were the first test she has had since earning the Webkinz Panda right before spring break. Meghan did right by Garnet and smiled through most of the dance class.

In the meantime, remember that not posting regularly might be due to Webkinz world addiction. Time to satisfy the addition before I go to bed.

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