Tuesday, February 24, 2009

People Are Interesting

Sunday we had basically a customer appreciation sale on the guise of Friends and Family. We put out refreshments for the customers to enjoy while they shopped. Watching people get free cookies and snacks can be entertaining. One little boy (about age 11)was touching several of the items - picking them up and putting them down. When we told the child to touch only what he was going to take, he looked at us like what we were doing to telling him to tell him such a thing.

When we get ready to draw a ticket for the door prizes, I find it fascinating to observe people's behavior. We generally ask a customer to draw the ticket for the door prize we are giving away. When you come toward them with the basket, some turn their head and put their hand in the basket and pull a ticket. Others close their eyes as they pull a ticket. Regardless of how they pull the ticket from the basket, they all eagerly look at the the ticket and read the name on the ticket before they hand the ticket back to us. Of course, everyone else crowds to the front of the store to watch the drawing.

This is definitely a psychology experiment waiting to happen.

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