Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Like any place you live there are many great things about the place that make it unique. For me I find the sheer beauty that can be found to awe inspiring. I enjoy the phenomenal sunsets that we see. I understand the sun rises are equally impressive but I am not usually in a good place to witness those. And days off - I am the only truly morning person in this house. The rest of my household thinks mornings are highly overrated and are content to sleep til noon. (anyone that knows my husband well is aware of his penchant for sleeping late. My daughter does not fall that far from the tree. Even the kitten thinks mornings are overrated so needless to say, I see very little of the sun rises. I love the ocean and the way you can feel the different moods of nature by standing on the beach.

This time of year here in "sunny" Florida is not for the faint of heart. ( For the uninitiated, this time of year sunshine tends to be in a liquid form by afternoon) If Mother Nature in all her stormy glory scares you then you might not want to be here. Me - well I find the storms to actually be soothing and awesome to watch. Unless of course that lightening strike is a little too close - I have a healthy respect for the her abilities and power. While I enjoy the storms in all their fury, I can do without another up close experience with hurricanes for a little bit longer.

This of course brings us to the reason for this post and that is to share some pictures of storm clouds that where in the area today when I was at work. They were moving so fast that the most dramatic views had moved before I remembered that I have a camera on my cell phone:) So enjoy the photos and will try to remember to take more as the rainy season progresses here in the "Sunshine" state.

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