Saturday, February 23, 2008

Back to the Grind

Originally posted on my AOL journal 12/17/2007

Today is the day that I must retuirn to work after having a nice seven week hiatus. The past few weeks have been a joy inspite if the surgery that I had to go through to get there since I have had very little stress in my life and no worries or stress about work. I have been sleeping well. I go back to us not only finishing the Christmas rush but going into inventory preparations. Oh well things could be worse, and I suppose I did do it to myself since the doctor wanted to hold me out until Dec 24th( I could not face returning to work on Christmas Eve).
Unfortunatley this means post here will probably slow down as I settle back into the rat race. This week will be the roughest since I am closing every night (I won't get out til 11pm at the earliest) and Friday is 11-8.

Meghan and I ran like crazy yesterday and fuinished most of the last minute things that had to be done so at least I am ready for Christmas. I have a few things left to do but the biggest task left is a few gifts to wrap.

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