Saturday, February 23, 2008

On Being Joy

Originally posted on my AOL journal 12/19/2007.

As those of you that have read the earlier post about Joy already know, she is spider that has taken up residence in our front yard between two trees. She originally was not evicted from her home because Alan and I are a bunch of "babies" when it comes to dealing with spiders; however, now she is part of the "family" and we are becoming attached to her. This past weekend we had rain which we all thought would wash her away. All of us checked everyday as we came and went and much to our surprise she hung on. (she is not family enough for us to invite her in out of the rain and cold) Yesterday morning, Meghan and I did not see her as we left for school. Meghan was rather disappointed so I checked again after I came back from dropping her off. She was still there and hanginig by a "thread". When we came out this morning, she was busily working on a new web. Poor Joy must feel like she is living in a fish bowl. At least one of us gets real close to her web each day to look at her and see what she is doing. Hopefully we are too big to be lunch!

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